Sunday, December 8, 2013

I haven’t forgotten…

Welcome, Everyone!

… Especially those who saw this week’s mention in the Fig Leaf Forum newsletter.

I have a standing promise to post a reply to the 2-part question that one of my readers, Jasen, posted in response to my request for people to pose their Biggest Scriptural Challenge to Naturism.

Jasen, I have NOT forgotten to respond… I have most of the first response written, but the busy-ness of life (and how much football there is to watch!) has prevented me from completing it.

Meanwhile, I encourage everyone to read some of the other material I have posted on this blog. Unlike most blogs, the articles here are NOT time-sensitive… meaning that the content is just as meaningful now as when I wrote it (you yourself can decide exactly how meaningful it is!). Look around… hopefully you’ll find something useful or instructive.

To hear what I have to say to Jasen, plan to stop back by in the next few days or weeks. Or, just subscribe to this blog and you’ll get an notifications when there’s a new post (may not be by email… test it to see).

My Favorites!

Here are a few of the more significant blog posts that I’ve written… at least in my opinion:

And a bonus for this time of year!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

— Matthew Neal


  1. No worries. We're all busy this time of year.

  2. Hi Matthew, I really enjoy reading your articles and it has really helped not only with finding clarity about how the Scriptures deal with nudity but also how to read and interpret the Scriptures in general. I do have a question though. I came across this on doing a search on the Internet about clothing in Biblical times in the "Jewish Encyclopedia 1901" at the and would like you input on it.

    In the "Cloak" section it says this:
    A cloak ("me' il") was generally worn over the undergarment (1Samuel 2:19 , 15:27 ). This, like the me' il of the high priest, may have reached only to the knees, but it is commonly supposed to have been a long-sleeved garment made of a light fabric, probably imported from Syria. Every respectable man wore generally the upper garment ("simlah") over the ketonet for any one dressed only in the ketonet was considered naked ("' arom" 1Samuel 19:24 Amos 2:16 Isaiah 20:2 Job 22:6 , 24:7,10). The fellaheen of modern Palestine wear the "' aba-yah," a cloak usually black, or in black and brown stripes, which corresponds to the (outer) coat of the ancient Israelites.


Thanks for being willing to respond to our blog! We welcome your comments, challenges and questions.

We want to hear from people who disagree and genuinely wonder how we can be Bible-believing Christians and practice social nudity.

However, if your “question” is not sincere, and you’re just interested in “flaming” us to tell us how wrong we are, please save your time... Your comment will not be posted

Keep it respectful, and you’ll get an honest answer, no matter how vehemently you may disagree with us. Thanks!