Stealing from one source is plagiarism.
But stealing from many sources… is research!
I enjoy quotes.
I have an app on my iPod Touch that has over 53,000 quotations from all sorts of people and sources. Often, I will simply read through them to glean their wisdom. Of course, not all the quotes are good, and some are downright false… but there are a number that make me smile or nod in agreement. Those, I mark as “favorites” to come back to later (I now have almost 200 favorites…).
Many of the quotations that capture my attention do so when I consider them in relationship to the issue of naturism—or more specifically—naturism from a biblical Christian perspective.
So, it is from that context that I have decided to write a series of short blog posts, each citing one quotation along with my own comments on it… hence the series name, Quotes and Comments.
Before I get going on this series, I need to say a few things about it…
- I am fully aware that these quotations are not Scripture; I do not present them as such. They do not have authority as God’s revealed Truth. I use them simply because I find them pithy and insightful.
- In many cases, I do not know much about the person who originated the quotation. Consequently, I may end up quoting someone with whom I would otherwise disagree on every other topic. My quoting them here is not an endorsement of anything else they say or believe… it is simply a single quotation that I do judge to be true.
- In each case, I am not suggesting that the author of the quotation would agree with my position on naturism… or would even approve of my application of their words to the topic. However, it is my own opinion that the quotation is apt for the issue… and that is why I will add my own comments.
These points apply to all the posts in the series. I have included this disclaimer here in the introduction so that I don’t have to repeat it on each and every post.
Having said that, I hope you enjoy the series!
— Matthew Neal
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